How can a kitten survive in deep space, with vicious dogs, sharks on rockets and firebreathing bees? That's right, by using an RPG!

Help this kitten fend off enemies and survive as long as possible! Aim with cursor and press space bar to shoot and to restart once you die.

This game was made for the "Secret Santa Jam 2023" game jam, where the goal was to make a game for a giftee who provided a prompt to base the game on. The prompt was:

"i want an game that has an flying kitten,an rpg in the kitten's hand and the enemies are dogs. the style is like an rpg? or idk u choose. plz have some sharks too. and some flying bees that shoots fireballs"

All assets in the game are made by me using the following softwares:

Game engine - Unity

Coding - Visual Studio Code

Images / Sprites - Aseprite

Music - BeepBox


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